Terraform Vs Cloudformation: Which one is Better?


2 min read

Terraform vs. CloudFormation is a popular topic to discuss when it comes to IaC, which is now causing a significant stir in the IT market. Software that defines infrastructure, like Terraform and CloudFormation, aids your IT staff in provisioning and managing your infrastructure with a variety of tools. One of the foundational elements of applying DevOps principles to your project is infrastructure automation.

Two names frequently spring to mind when discussing the top technologies for automating infrastructure provisioning: Terraform and AWS CloudFormation. In-depth comparisons of Terraform vs. CloudFormation are made in this blog.

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What is CloudFormation?

With the help of the excellent tool Amazon CloudFormation, the development and operations team may quickly automate the deployment of AWS infrastructure. You can design and provide AWS and outside resources for your cloud environment with this managed AWS solution. The configuration is handled by Cloudformation using templates, a JSON data structure. These templates give the user the flexibility to construct infrastructure that is scalable and reusable. Templates for Cloudformation can also be in YAML format.

What is Terraform?

Terraform, a Hashicorp product, is an open-source technology that makes infrastructure-as-code development possible. It is a potent tool that supports staff members who operate in infrastructure provision, maintenance, and upgrade. The Hashicorp Configuration Language is the domain-specific language used by Terraform. This language, which is fully JSON compatible, aids DevOps experts in defining infrastructure-as-code.

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Difference between Terraform vs CloudFormation

The first thought that crosses our minds is, “Why do we need tools like Terraform and Cloudformation when we already have configuration management tools like Ansible and Puppet?” These CM tools are capable of managing practically all configurations pertaining to systems. What if a user wants to keep the underlying bare-metal components and the services separated by a layer of abstraction. Terraform and CloudFormation, two extremely potent tools, come into play in such circumstances.

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